What You Don’t Know About SEO Part 2
Here we are again, the 7 most important things that every company should know about SEO services in Sarasota and why their business needs them. If you’ve read the first half of this list, you should already have a feeling that SEO is going to make or break your business in the digital age. If you haven’t read the first part of this list, click here to go and check it out.
Now on to part 2 below:
4. Apply Traditional PR To Link Building
Public Relations focuses on building relationships, particularly those between a company and its clients. Link Building seeks to build SEO by securing links on high-quality, relevant websites for your business. And when you combine the two, you get a powerhouse hybrid that brings the best of both worlds; like peanut butter & jelly, macaroni & cheese, pickles & ice cream. 🙂
White-hat link builders spend incredible amounts of time doing blogger outreach, but the most prolific bloggers are receiving tons and tons of guest post requests each week. Not only is that mucking up your ROI, it means you’re basically wasting time fighting over the same guest post spots your competitors are already going for. If you work at building relationships instead of asking for favors from your list of preferred bloggers, you can significantly improve your odds.
5. Pursue Broader, More Precise Keywords
People sure do spend a lot of time raving about the might of long-tail keywords. Don’t get us wrong, they’re still helpful to your overall SEO campaign, but Google’s introduction of the Hummingbird Algorithm update has shifted this trend rather severely.
The update was created in order to help Google gain a contextual understanding of broad content, as well as long-tail keywords. You miss broad keywords when your website chooses to focus too much energy on mid-long or long-tail phrases. As this is going to cause bigger issues down the line as Google continues to evolve, savvy business owners will want to make it a point to keep both on their respective present sites.
6. Pair Technical SEO & Content Marketing Campaigns
Technical SEO is fantastic, your website craves it. And using it helps assure that you comply with top and current SEO standards and web practices. However, by itself it isn’t a guaranteed map to winning traffic. Simply put, Technical SEO isn’t going to land you on the first page of Google. If you’ve ever competed at anything-which of course every business has, with other businesses-you know that part of winning is just doing something different than the competition.
That’s where content marketing is going to come into the mix. There are a few great articles out there that give ideas for pairing these two impressive strategies, but for the sake of time, here are the highlights:
● Targeting Industry Blogs For Guest Posting
● Creating Content Wikipedia Would Love To Link To
● Writing Content Based On Keyword Data
● Cross Linking All Over The Place
● Putting A Focus On Indirect Conversions
● Giving Your Website A Detailed FAQ Page
● Quality Over Quantity When It Comes To Content
If you want to crush your competition like a pile of tin cans in search, while also developing impressive content that adds immense value for your readers, you’ll need the advantages offered by combining traditional content marketing techniques and SEO best practices.
7. Knowing The Difference Between Expressed & Implied Links Once again, Google provides the answer. In a 2012 patent filed by the search engine giant, we are given a clear distinction between expressed and implied links. We went ahead and broke down all that boring patent speak and this is what it comes down to:
● Expressed Links
● Implied Links
● Provide a link to the mentioned resource
● Mention the resource but don’t provide a physical link
● Bonus Tip: Google is continuing to put weight on brand signals, which makes implied links very important to an SEO strategy
Implied links show that your business is an authority in the industry, which is something Google definitely wants to know. As SEO continues to evolve year after year, your brand needs to evolve with it, or you’re going to put your business at risk of being penalized and dropping in search engine rankings. There just isn’t as much room for error by letting certain strategical moves slip on by.
Once, there was a time when a company could keep to themselves, not worry about digital marketing, or even really concern themselves with paper marketing if they were a small business with high word of mouth sales. But those days are long gone, and as the world continues to evolve, the focus is now on digital media, and knowing how to put the internet to work for you. In addition to making things as fast and easy for the consumer as possible.
Learning these key points and stitching together a strong plan to implement them into your business’s strategy can go a long way to driving traffic to your company and keeping your sales and revenue flowing. Doing so is not only going to keep you and your company up to date, it’s going to help keep you from falling behind, with the latest SEO changes and incurring negative ramifications. What are you waiting for? Get out there and make the internet work for you!
Garden Grove Media 5020 Clark Rd #160 Sarasota, FL 34233 (941) 209-1203
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